Slice Notation

- 3 mins read
Go’s slice notation I feel is often overlooked, as using colons within brackets ([:]), makes for a powerful way to work with arrays and slices. We just specify a range of indices and an optional capacity to create a new slice from an existing array or slice without duplicating any data. Let’s take a closer look at Go’s slice notation, emphasizing how slices relate to their underlying arrays. Operation: Full Array Displays the full array (slice[:]).

Functional Options

- 5 mins read
By now you’re probably aware of functional options, in that they’re a nuanced approach to object configuration that provide flexibility, extensibility and readability that in my opinion, traditional setters can’t match. That said, a co worker of mine asked why I am using them over traditional setters as they see most examples just setting a field. Well let’s explore functional options through practical examples, understand their advantages over traditional setters, and see how they can be composed and used to enhance testability.

HTTP Router Performance

- 2 mins read
Hello, my friends and fellow Go developers There’s been an engaging discussion on the efficiency of HTTP routers in Go. It’s inspiring and wonderful to see such detailed analysis and passion! That said, I’d like to add my perspective that personally helps me focus on what impacts our applications the most and where I should spent my precious time. Relative Importance of Router Performance: In our web applications, the HTTP router plays an important role right?